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Workplace Safety Classes

Advanced Vortex Evolutions Workshop

If you have a basic working knowledge of the Arizona Vortex or other high-directional system, and want to learn more, then this 16-hour two-day class is for you. This course will start with a brief classroom session to explain applied forces and resultants. Practical skills sessions will include advanced tiebacks, and assembling the Vortex in advanced configurations, Tripod, Bi-pod, and Mono-pod configurations. Multiple Vortex kits will be utilized for more complex evolutions. Horizontal movement (NFPA 1006 2021 5.3.6 ) requirements will be covered. Winch configurations and complex mechanical advantage systems will be integrated into evolutions

Prerequisite: Intro to the Arizona Vortex Workshop Course

Class Location: First Choice Safety Solutions Training Center

Duration: Two days

Upcoming Advanced Vortex Evolutions Workshop Events